Monday, December 12, 2011

Things to come

I try to post on our family blog frequently each week.  I don't have a plan or schedule for GFG yet. Right now it is sort of on an as led or as need or information arises basis.

I am researching some organizations and listening to my heart as I look for her next gift, and I am excited to say that the donate button is now functioning. If something you read stirs your heart and you want to give, just click the button and you can use paypal or any major credit or debit card. You are welcome to specify if you want your donation to go toward the general fund or a specific cause spotlighted on here. I am also planning a big garage sale with proceeds to go to the fund. We will be accepting other people's "junk" too. I have not selected a date, so please don't bring it by yet :).

If you are just looking for a way for your family to give during the holidays, please check out this Compassion website. We are giving our kids each a sum of money to spend here as one of their gifts.

Thanks for all the encouraging responses to this endeavor. Merry Christmas!